Monday, May 26, 2008

License to err.

To the untrained eye, the computer is a scary device. It sits there, maliciously waiting to inflict agonizing errors at the unsuspecting user. This is the view of many users that I have come across.

But so are cars. You make one wrong move, and you've killed a couple of people (and hopefully yourself too). At least with computers it is usually only yourself that feels the pain.

I have come to the conclusion that most people are not fit to "drive" a computer. They are a danger to the people around them and the well-being of any network is threatened by their mere proximity to anything remotely computer-like.

Some would argue that a computer is just a tool. It is JUST a means of getting something done. It is JUST a box standing there. So why learn how to operate it? Again we can use the car as a metaphor. Let me but it in perspective:

A car is JUST a tool... Yeah, one that is dangerous if mishandled.
A car is JUST a means of getting something done... Yep, getting from point A to B at a very fast pace.
A car is JUST a box standing there... Weighing a ton or two with (mostly) idiot drivers in them.

There is NO excuse for not learning how to use a computer properly. Even if you just use one thing, LEARN IT.
The amount of damage the untrained user can do on a computer is devastating.
Sure they're not killing somebody (not directly, think virus-spreads-to-heart-monitor) but is that any reason to let it slide?

Ofcourse not.

I believe that users should have a point system. Every mistake they make gets a point deducted from their PC license. When there are no points available they are suspended from using a PC until they've re-taken the pc literacy tests.

Repeat violators should be banned until further review.

Let me know what you think?

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