Friday, February 25, 2011

A Rant and A Rave...

First off I want to rant about the fact that I'll be working tonight, which was NOT in the planning...even remotely. Just all of a sudden, out of the blue I have to work. *sigh*. Here's to hoping it won't be too late.

Secondly I want to Rave about Symfony. I have taken some time to explore the realms of the awesomeness that is names Symfony. (For the uneducated, symfony is a PHP Framework).

A bit of background : I consider myself quite knowledgeable and able to help myself quite well in PHP. I Like the language and I LOVE what it can do, but since starting to work with Symfony and reading through the documentation, I have been amazed and inspired. This is truly a great framework, and with relatively little effort you can accomplish many a great thing. Hats of to the developers!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So, I don't know if I'm the only one to find that 2011 has started with a bang, and when I opened by eyes, I noticed it's February already...

With The new year came a few other new things, new responsibility as I now have my stepsister living with us, and a new home, to accommodate above mentioned being...

A few Notes to those that care:
  • Never Again Use Static Web Pages, It's annoying and it complicates things.
  • Learn Something 'complicated' this year, you'll find it's not so hard.
  • Get over a few mindsets and find the joy in letting the mind go every now and then.
And on that note I leave you, for now, and hopefully not the last time this year....